Mission Statement
To enable members to be more effective and efficient in attracting visitors to their communities. The Association provides educational opportunities in order to raise the level of professionalism in the travel industry, and it provides a forum for networking and cooperative action between the members.
Vision Statement
Illinois’ CVBs will effectively generate economic wealth for their communities, while valuing IDA as an indispensable industry resource and the recognized voice of destination marketing in Illinois.

What We Do
Working together with the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Office of Tourism, IDA delivers the following to its members and partners:
A common voice for tourism
- A forum to alert members to trends and changes in the tourism industry
- Opportunities for cooperative action
- An environment for the exchange of information and ideas between members
- A medium for educational opportunities for members
- A strong communication link between the Illinois Office of Tourism and the Convention Bureaus
- A central source for legislative information and issues
- Sales and promotional initiatives to enhance efforts in group tour, convention and sports markets
- A clearinghouse for effective communication and the promotion of tourism
- Opportunities to communicate and network with industry public and private partners
View our the Tourism Network Map FY2025.